Friday, May 11, 2012


Rejection Junkie

As an actor rejection is just the name of the game.  As an unemployed pharmaceutical rep, job rejection is also around every corner.  Even when I am employed  I can be rejected in doctor's offices all day long, 5 days a week.  Rejection is a part of life.  Some have it more than others.  It's how you deal with it that shows what kind of person you are.  You can let it destroy you or you can let it teach you.

I had a tough day yesterday.  I didn't get a job that I thought I was going to get.  I was 99% sure I was going to get it.  What do you do when you had your heart set on something so important and it doesn't happen?

Today I had a casting audition for a photo shoot.  Auditions are funny.  Every one I go to is always the same.  I walk in the room and there are 10 -20 guys who look JUST LIKE ME.  It can be very depressing to go on audition after audition and constantly be turned down for reasons that I am never made privy to.  When all the men look alike and the audition can be something as simple as the casting director taking a polaroid of your face and saying "Thanks for coming in.  We'll let you know," what are you supposed to do?  How can I not take it personally?

I had to learn to NOT take it personally.  This is the universe sending it back to me saying, "Not yet Rex.  This is not the right time for you.  It'll happen."  Of course I was upset.  I was depressed for a few hours.  Then I remembered how in the past when things like this happened, something better usually shows up on your door.  I wind up thinking, "Im sure glad I didn't get that other job." "I'm sure glad I didn't book that gig."  I'm assuming I didn't get the job because that awesome but failed interview was getting ready for a stellar job coming my way in the future.  Something good will happen.  Learn from the mistakes I might have made and move on.

Read the Four Agreements.  It is a basic philosophy of how you can live your life with personal freedom.  
The four agreements are these: 
1. Be impeccable with your word. 
2. Don't take anything personally. 
3. Don't make assumptions. 
4. Always do your best.
 Follow them and you will see a difference.  If that doesn't help just do this:

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