Tuesday, May 15, 2012



I had such a busy day yesterday that I had a hard time waking up this morning for spin class.

Yesterday was cardio, dog park, yoga and then kayaking for 2 hours.  I was exhausted.  I think I might have over-did it.
This morning was spin-class and core class, dog park and then NOTHING.  I'm resting this afternoon.

So sometimes I get into these moods where I'd rather just sleep in and skip the gym and go later in the day.  However, I've also found that when I do that I NEVER go back later in the day.  Just getting to the gym is half the battle.  Don't sit there in your car dwelling on how tired you are and how awful working out is going to be.  STAY POSITIVE.  Go in and give it 10 minutes.  10 minutes in you should start to feel better and you'll find you can finish your workout. 

Remember it's better to do it first thing in the morning and get it out of the way!

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