Thursday, May 17, 2012

You sick bastard!

 Sicky McSickster, Mayor or Sickyville

Well I'm not sure if my sore throat and inability to swallow was brought home on an airplane by a certain somebody or if maybe I might be working out too much. Whatever the case I'm taking it easy today.  I did go to Spin class this morning but only did 30 minutes.  The rest of the day I was one lazy dog. 

Rules of working out while sick:

If you have a fever- NO

If you have a cold but you feel better with over the counter medication- YES

Can I do Yoga?- YES, if you don't have a fever

Cold in your chest- NO

Use common sense. If you feel like complete crap, DO NOT go to the gym. Give your body time to recover.  Plus, you're giving everyone at the gym you're nasty germs.  It's not smart to be around young children and the elderly when you're sick.  I workout at the YMCA and there are plenty or rug rats and old timers around to infect.

My heart rate monitor, the one I bragged about, is broken.  It only takes a pulse for about 10 minutes or else I'm dead.  The next I buy a product I will make sure I read all the reviews first before.  Apparently the strap itself is great but the App is a dismal failure.  Until MY TREK fixes the bugs, I'm without a HRM.

The more I blog I hope the better my blog becomes.  It's actually a little hard to come with the words to write to relay what I want to hear.  I'm basically treating this like a journal.  A journal the entire planet has access to.  

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