Monday, May 21, 2012

Crossfit: Fit to tried

Crossfit: Fit to be tried.

I had lower back surgery on January 24, 2011.  I ruptured a disc in my low back at a Crossfit gym while performing a deep squat with 260 lbs. on the bar.  By "deep squat" I mean 260 lbs on my back and lowering my butt all the way to the ground and then standing back up.  

My personal training days.

I have 10 years of personal training experience.  I knew damn well that most of the exercises used in Crossfit are done with extremely bad form that can increase the risk of injury with each passing day.  I just assumed that this must be a "different way of working out." I'm very open-minded and I'm always up to trying new things.  I raised an eyebrow more than a few times when going through a demonstration of the different techniques in Crossfit.  All my friends warned me not to do it.  A professional natural bodybuilder warned me not to attend Crossfit. Other personal trainers warned me.  A doctor even warned me.  I didn't listen.  I succumbed to peer pressure from my friends that do Crossfit.  It's an intense experience.  I was surrounded by athletic, positive, attractive people who told me I could do it.  I should have known better and I'm a little ashamed of myself that I didn't quit earlier.  I had just turned 40 and didn't want to be shown up by all the 20 somethings in the classes.

Ego is the one of the main causes of injuries in my opinion.  My ego got checked when my physical therapist asked me how I hurt my back and I said proudly, "crossfit."  She immediately rolled her eyes and said, "do you know how many injured people we see from Crossfits?  They keep us in business."  She was awesome and helped me strengthen my core and get back my mobility I had lost after surgery.

Today I can not lift weights.  I could but then I would end up having another surgery.  It really puts stress on my lower back to pick up dumbbells.  I went through months of rehab.  I had to change my whole way of thinking when it comes to working out and staying healthy.  Now I do yoga 2-3 times a week and it is truly amazing.  I also take spin classes at least 4 times a week.  I take the occasional muscle toning class to keep everything tight.  It's very different for me but it's also very healthy.  My core is getting stronger and I'm feeling more and more confident that I will be able to live a long healthy life injury-free.

As I get older I realize that I don't need to be super buff anymore and try to compete with the guys half my age downstairs in the weight room.  I also would love to go into that weight room and scream, "unless you are an olympic athlete, training for the NFL or plan on becoming a bouncer than please, please stop lifting such insane weight.  YOU WILL REGRET IT!"

This is an article I read about Crossfit and the hazards that come with it.  
There also more articles within this one that also talk about the dangers of over doing it at Crossfit.

If you are a friend of mine that attends a Crossfit, I'm very jealous that you guys get to really workout like an athlete.  I loved my time at Crossfit and made some really great friends.  I just want everyone to be careful and not to end up like me.  Stay safe and don't be afraid to take a break.  

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

I love your beginner's guide to Crossfit. CrossFit has become one of the more popular trends for individuals aiming to amp up their personal fitness. If you enable the CrossFit myths that have developed over time to keep you from giving it a try, you are doing yourself a disservice.