Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I told myself I would never do this

January 1, 2019

As of today, January 1, 2019, I am 48 years old, 5'10 and weigh 210 pounds. Ten of that gained since October 31st.

I've spent my adult life trying to live a healthy life. I became a personal trainer in my 20's. I know what needs to be done to stay healthy. I know all about nutrition, cardio, all the stuff I need.

A while ago, I hurt my back in Crossfit. I had a bulging disc in my L4-L5. I had a surgery to repair the bulge.  It held for 4 years. Like an idiot, I decided that I felt so good, I was going to join Crossfit again. I did it again. I damaged the same disc. I had another surgery. It lasted a year. Upon seeing the neurologist again, I was told a third surgery would require a spinal fusion. I passed mainly because my insurance wouldn't pay for it.

Oh, I forgot to mention that somewhere in all this mess, I had a cervical fusion. The surgeon told me I had the spine of an 80-year-old man. Great.

So, needless to say, those injuries set me back in my fitness goals. I'm already suffering from depression, bi-polar and anxiety so not being able to workout like I used to exacerbated those ailments.

I let myself go.

I know my body fat percentage must be around 20%. My goal is 12%. It's lofty but I'm taking baby-steps. I'd like to be 12% in a year. I'm not worried about weight since I know muscle weighs more than fat. That being said, 190 pounds would be nice.

My ultimate goal is to be in photoshoot shape by 50.

Jan 2, 2019
My left eye...blood vessels broke today. Coincidently, I started lifting weights today. :(

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Another New Change

I am working with Century 21 and I've never been happier. I'm technically out on my own. I have an office and I work my own schedule. The best part, I get paid more. It's great to do what you love AND get paid to do it. 

I still like getting up in the mornings as I have for the past year but now it's a new feeling when you are getting paid what I'm worth. 

I'm still on the meds that I've been on for years. I've had some bad days but most have been pretty good. I've learned a valuable lesson: Don't be lazy with the meds. I got lazy and ran out of Vyvanse for about 5 days and DAMN I became a lethargic slug. I couldn't figure out why I was so tired and realized I was having withdraws. 

What sucks is that I realized in that time span how much I rely on that med. It's like a part of me now, like an appendage  that I can't live without and then when it gets cut off, I lose my mind.

I started writing a book. I'm heavy into Sci-Fi and working on a story that hopefully hasn't been written in this genre and style, in legitimate publishing anyway.

Who knows. If it's really good than maybe I'll get a movie deal a la Harry Potter.  Eh, no matter. I found out I like doing it. Now I wished I would have paid attention in English class back in High School.

Getting back into yoga or as I like to call it, Broga. It's been a long time and I'm deteriorating faster than I'd like to at 46 years old. If only I had listened to my body when I was in my 20s and 30s. I'm now convinced that squats, deadlifts, anything with heavy weight that puts stress on your joints and spine are very very bad for you. It's no wonder that professional athletes have pain for the rest of their lives after retirement. The put their bodies through that stress on purpose! 

On to bigger and better things. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Change in career, change in attitude

Change in career, change in attitude 

After eight years in pharmaceutical sales I decided to end it all and move to a different career. Real Estate. My pharma job was creating stress, anxiety and depression in addition to the stress, anxiety and depression already existing in my life. It made my symptoms 3-fold.

For those of you who don't know, pharmaceutical sales has good pay, great health benefits and great friends. However, the industry has changed so much.  In the eight years I was selling the government regulations got worse and worse until our jobs were almost impossible to do. That being said, pharmaceutical sales means you work for the devil.  Everything that's wrong with our health care system stems from the drug companies. The cost of drugs is determined by how much profit the drug company wants to make.  In 2015 my company raised the price of a product I was selling three times. Why? No reason.  They could so they did.  It was all about making as much profit as possible before that product goes generic. That's why your medications are so high and why they keep going up.

The last straw was a patient coming up to me in a doctor's office lobby, crying her eyes out. The doctor saw me and had said to her, "Well you want to know why.  Ask him." The drug her husband needed to live had gone up so much that he could no longer afford them.  I asked if she applied for assistance from my company. She said she did but did not qualify. They are retired and on a fixed income and they didn't qualify? I looked into it and apparently one has to dirt poor to qualify, way below the poverty line. This drug is a life or death product.  She was so upset, she was sobbing and all she kept asking was, "Why?  Why?" I told her I couldn't do anything for her but I did leave the doctor a ton of samples. I told her to just keep asking for samples and that should get you through until you can figure something out.  The doctor said he would give her all the samples she needs. 

No one should have to go through that. No one should have to decide whether they should starve to pay for their meds or die. Believe it or not some people choose to struggle though and let themselves die. They don't want to be a burden to their families and cause more financial problems so they decide to die. It should never be this way. 

I was so unhappy, depressed and sad about my job.  I dreaded waking up and going to work each morning. I did all i could to procrastinate and put off having to do work. Picture going into offices all day long and being told no one has time for you, that you are a bother, that you are to stop coming in and that the doctor hates drug reps. It happens on a daily basis and it sucks your soul dry. 

I have always wanted to try real estate. I love looking at homes, I love interior design and at one time I wanted to be an architect.  Luckily I found a realtor, or she found me, recognized my potential, said I had the personality for real estate so I took the plunge. I'm so glad I did.  I've been at this for two months and I absolutely love it!  I haven't made any money yet but I know it will happen.  

Today I spoke with a new buyer who I have spent the last two days with.  She told me, "Rex, I'm not a holy person but I thanks God for you.  We have worked with realtors who are jerks, show no interest and don't take the time to care.  You have stuck with us, showed us houses that you knew we would want to see.  You found the perfect house for us and we love you for it.  We think you are wonderful and so caring. Thank you." That made me feel so good. I never heard that while doing pharma sales.

The thing I noticed right off was that my depression and anxiety was cut in half, if not more. I look forward to going to work each day. My energy levels are back to normal.  I get up every morning at six o'clock and hit the gym and I'm at work by eight thirty. I work all day, sometimes not leaving until six pm and I love it. My work is so rewarding and I get to help people find homes and that makes them happy.  Making them happy makes me happy.  A great combination. 

So, if you have as many mental health issues as I have and you think there is no way out. Maybe it's something in your life that is making it worse. If you know you're not happy than I suggest dealing with it.  The result feel so much better than dealing with it every day. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Well it's official. I am a spineless so and so.  I'm convinced my spine is nothing but a slippery, rubbery noodle. The discs themselves are actually just Oreo cookies that have been smashed just like the bag-boy at the grocery who has placed all my canned goods on top of my cookies. 

Four years ago I had a laminectomy on my L-4 / L-5 discs in my lower back after a heavy squat workout at Crossfit.  The cause was a bulge touching a nerve root.  I had terrible, shooting, stabbing pain through my left leg and foot drop.  Foot drop is when you can't lift your toes off the ground and can be permanent if not taken care of immediately.

The illustration below shows what a bulging disc looks like.

This year, January 17,  2015, that same nasty little disc decided to bulge again and make life miserable for me.  I don't exactly know how I did it.  All I know is I had been doing Crossfit for the past year but I was very careful.  Crossfit can be bad for people with injuries like mine.  I shouldn't have been doing Crossfit but I felt so great and had been running, cycling, kayaking and I thought I was good to go. I felt it was time to up my game and get back into more challenging workouts.  I thought I learned my lesson from getting hurt the first time at Crossfit and I decided to proceed with just lifting very, very light weights. Apparently with a spine injury like mine, I shouldn't have been doing any kind of lifting like squats, clean and jerks, dead lifts even with light weights.  It doesn't take much for the discs to bulge again.  As I found out the hard way.

Don't get me wrong.  Crossfit is an amazing workout.  It's tough, it's challenging, it feels like you've been beat up.  After you are done you are sore and achy and you feel like shit but yet you can't wait for tomorrow's WOD (Workout Of the Day). Remember to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If your body is telling to skip a day and rest than do it.  Your body knows more than you do. 

I think Crossfit and workouts like it is meant for younger athletes in their 20's, early 30's, athletes who are actually training for a competitive sport and people with jobs that demand strength and endurance. Younger people have more strength and stamina and it takes a lot of stamina to get through a one hour WOD.  

Athletes who are training for events such as power lifting, football, baseball, wrestling, triathlons, any sport where you have to be in incredible shape can benefit greatly from Crossfit.  It has the kind of movements and muscle building techniques that one needs to perform competitively.  

Also I think Crossfit is for Type A personalities.  Type A people tend to be focused, driven, high energy, control freaks, hate to lose and are highly competitive and 99.999% of hardcore athletes are Type A.  You have to be Type A in order to succeed in competitive sports. 

I. Am. Not. Type A.

If you're like me and are an average joe and really don't have a reason to workout that hard, I would think twice.  Try it and see if you like it. I just want to get a good workout in and let's face it, I just want to look good naked. If you look good naked you look amazing in clothes. I'm vain and maybe a little shallow but I like my workouts to be low-key and I want to get in and out.  I've never been one to grunt and growl when I lift. I don't listen to loud, hardcore music where I'm getting screamed at through a microphone because it's supposed to make me "mad" as that is supposed to make you lift harder.  I'm 44 years old, I don't need to be mad at a jumprope and I like regular old pop music. I know, lame but I like what I like. Kelly Clarkson is just fine with me.

On the flip side it's hard to not want to do Crossfit when you constantly see guys coming out of the boxes (crossfit gyms) that look like this.

I mean come on! Who wouldn't like to look like these guys.  Yes I know that much of that is genetics but bodies like that do not come from 20 minutes of cardio on an elliptical and 3 sets of weight training.  It's hard work and 80% clean eating.  And one more thing to make you feel inadequate and average is that tons of these beautiful guys and girls that do Crossfit are firefighters, cops, soldiers, EMT's.  The kind of people who benefit greatly from this workout for their jobs.  

 I. Have. No. Willpower. 

I see sugar and I have to have it.  I guarantee these guys have seen nothing but chicken breasts and steamed broccoli for that last year. 

So it's the end of April and I haven't worked since the beginning of February.  Luckily I have great benefits and am double covered.  I get 13 weeks of full pay.  I had my surgery last week on the 15th and am still recovering.  It's been one week and I am up and walking around, running errands and going about my day but I also know that I can't over do it.  I'm on oxycodone and that masks much of my pain.  I've already slipped back in to my old ways and thought I could spend the day shopping and running errands.  That was a big mistake. I forgot I was hurt because of the pain killers.  It set me back a few days.  Recovery should take about 4 weeks. One can return to work in 2 weeks post-op but with limited mobility, no lifting over 20 lbs, no driving long distances, no getting in and out of the car all day.  Guess what?  All of those things I just mentioned I do for a living.  I'm hoping in two more weeks I'll get to go back to work. 

The moral of the story is if you want to try Crossfit, by all means, go for it!  However, if you have any kind of injury no matter if it's chronic or you were injured some other way, think twice about putting yourself in a position where you can make it worse.  It's tough to realize that you can't do the things you used to do when you were younger.  The older we get the harder it is to lose weight and gain muscle. Life is going to smack you in the head and say, "Hey! Do you WANT to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life?"

Get healthy, stay healthy and listen to your body.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Robin Williams 
July 21, 1951 -August 11, 2014

In regards to the suicide of Robin Williams, there has been much in the news today about how depression played a role in it. A point I keep hearing from people, not in the know, is that suicide is selfish. It's actually a selfLESS act. 

A person with depression feels that taking their life would actually be a burden lifted from your shoulders, not theirs. They are always thinking about the people around them and how to ease their fears and make their lives more comfortable, not their own. Taking themselves out of the equation is sometimes the only choice.

Depression acts as a dampner for emotions and it's makes it hard to think clearly. Every thing seems wore than it is. suicide sometimes is the only way to to end all that confusion and pain. Since you can't ask someone who commits suicide why they did it, ask someone who struggles with it. I think you will find that it's not as selfish as you think.

In his book “Myths About Suicide,” Psychologist Thomas Joiner deconstructs the myth that suicide is cowardly or selfish.
“It certainly seems selfish from the outside,” Joiner told NPR in 2010. “I understand the sentiment. But the trouble is, in trying to reason about the suicidal mind from a non-suicidal place – that’s basically where most of these myths come from.”
“What the suicidal person is thinking at the time is actually quite different from selfishness. Their idea is along the lines of, my death will be worth more than my life to others,” he explained. “Now, if you ponder that sentiment, that’s not selfish at all. In fact, if anything it’s the opposite. It’s very selfless.”

Please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 if you or someone you know is suffering. Operators are available 24/7.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

No news is no news to me


I am trying a little experiment to see if watching the news affects me in a negative way.  I basically haven't been watching the news or reading it.  The only way I get my news is from word of mouth.  

I have to say that no engaging in the news has really helped me with my anxiety.  Listening day after day, hour after hour of depressing, fear based news takes a toll on nerves, attitude and mood.  Even if I catch a glimpse of it on TV I start to get a little anxious. 

Not watching the news makes me less "scared."  The fear based news is getting out of control.  

I'm not trying to sound biased but FOX News is the worst.  I dont think they have ever broken a major news story.  It's all opinoin based commentary designed to instill fear into conservatives that liberals are taking their rights away.  

CNN is just about reporting on blood and guts. "If it bleeds, it leads."  They spent weeks on back to back coverage of the missing Malasian flight with litterally no new leads the entire time.  It's all speculation.  

MSNBC just seems to be ALL liberal commentary which also is an inbalance. 

I do enjoy NBC Nightly News.  I enjoy Brian Williams and his snarky aside comments. I really don't see a liberal bias with Nightly News.  I do see a little more fluff however. They are also pretty good about retracting errors in their broadcasts. 

Talk radio is no better.  I used to listen to KIRO out of Seattle.  It had a nice blend of liberal and conservative commentary but sometimes it got to be too much.  Dori Monson is a "libertarian" host and I used to love him.  I found the more money he makes, the more conservative he becomes.  His shows have become 3 hours of rage against government.  It would be ok but his ranting and raving seem like they are going to lead him to a heart attack.  Seriously, his blood pressure must be way out of wack.  Listening to his loud yelling and rage based fear always got my blood boiling and my heart rate up.  It gives off a very negative vibe.

I think that constantly being around negative language and people is bad for your health.  Sometimes I think I can feel the negative waves eminating from the radio or TV.  I don't surround myself with negative friends so why would I do it with my news. 

Try it for a week.  I think you will feel "lighter" and less negative.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

midwest hospitality

This week I'm visiting the family back in good ole' Illinois and Iowa. In the past I didn't really make it a priority to visit my family but lately things have changed. 

I now have a 3 year old nephew is the funnest human being on the planet.  He laughs at my jokes, at my funny faces and he likes to sing with me. We also tend to like pretending we are sharks when ever we eat Goldfish crackers.  

When we walk we tend to jump as well.  Besides, who wants to always walk all the time when you can hop? BORING!

We also like to swing by me pulling him up by one arm and swinging him forward while we walk...or hop.  Who doesn't like to swing??

Did I mention he is photogenic?  We could take selfies all day long.  The best selfies are "mean selfies." Those are the kind when you make a mean face or stick out your tongue.  Regular smiles are just not fun.

I took a month off from work to get my head on straight.  I decided to take a trip back to my origins because I didn't want to miss my nephew growing up.  I already missed my other nephew and two neices growing up and I didn't want that to happen again. Turns out this trip has done me a lot of good.  It's relaxing.  I'm not on a schedule.  I do what I want whenever I want.   It feels like a mini-vacation except that I'm spending more money on shopping than I have in a long time.  WTF I'm treating myself.  It's been a long month. 

My house is being painted while I'm gone and I don't have to do it.  That was stressing me btw. 

All in all it's a pretty good last week of staycationing. I think I'll do it more often.