Tuesday, July 24, 2012

McDonalds and I have something in common

McDonalds lost 4% profit and I have lost 4% bodyfat. I got my bodyfat tested this morning and and I am now 24.8% bodyfat. My first test last year was 28.6%. The cool thing is 3% was lost in the last 2 1/2 months.
One bad thing is that my BMR (basal metabolic rate) went down. Your BMR is how many calories you burn just going about your day without exercising.

One reason for this may because I've also lost 2lbs. muscle mass. I have not lifted weights in over a year. I do however, do yoga 4 times a week. The culprit may be my running. I'm doing so much cardio with my running and my spinning that I am burning fat AND muscle. I'm going to start adding in some resistance training.

I don't believe in free weights anymore so I will be performing body weight exercises. Yoga is a body weight activity as well as push-ups, pull-ups, air-squats, basically any exercise you do without using any weight other than your body weight.

Body weight exercises are safer than conventional free weights for people with back injuries like I have. The down side is I probably won't build muscle as fast as I would with free weights but that's ok. I'm not looking to get big anymore. I'm 41 not 21. I just want to look good naked.

When I got my results I was actually very upset. I thought I had lost at least 8 or 9% bodyfat. I've lost so much weight and waist sizes that I assumed I lost more. Because I lost muscle mass that I didn't know I lost, I assumed wrong.

I was actually depressed. I beat myself up hard this morning. I went to yoga and was so distracted by my results that I left early. I couldn't concentrate. I went home and sulked.

After I cooled down and ate something I realized, "hey dumby, you lost 4% of your bodyfat! You are going in the right direction. I got so mad because I didn't lose more that I lost sight of the big picture. I am losing bodyfat and am moving in the right direction and being successful.

It's like winning the 100 million dollar lottery and being mad about the millions you have after the taxes come out. YOU STILL HAVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS STUPID!

So I'm going to continue to workout, eat right, drink water and shop for smaller clothes:)

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