Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm going to be a heavy drinker.

Today was my longest, hardest training run yet. Today I had to run for 1 hour and 10 minutes and cover at least 4.5 miles. I was on a 1 minute walk / 5 minute run split. I ended up running for 1 hour and 12 minutes and covered almost 8 miles.

Today I decided that since I was running for such a long time that I would bring water with me. I wore my Camelback backpack filled with water.
It's one of the smaller ones so it's not too heavy. It was really nice to have. I stayed hydrated and it made my run a little easier.

I had one little problem. Halfway through I had to relieve myself. Luckily for me my route is very heavily wooded. That's just a problem that will eventually remedy itself once my body gets used to drinking so much water.

I also have another little problem and that is I drink way too much diet soda and I think that it may be affecting my hydration. I have become addicted to the fizziness of the liquid.

Diet sodas are made with artificial sweeteners. While they may be better for you than a regular soda, they still trick your body into craving sugar. They also fool you into NOT feeling full. If you're not full you eat more.

Here is a great article that explains the way diet soda can make you fat.

My new goal is to drink more water. Drinking more water will not only hydrate you but it will clear up your face and your hair may be more healthy. You skin will look younger and who doesn't like to erase a few years from your face before your next high school reunion.

I'm hoping to become a heavy drinker...of water.

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