Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ding Dong DOMA's Dead

OH MY GOD!!!  I'm just overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude that today, June 26, 2013, we have prevailed over DOMA and Prop 8.  It's official and it's about time.  The days of conservative, theocratic laws dictating how I live my life and who I share my life with are OVER!

Just 38 more states to go and every one will be equal through out the country.  They will fall quickly because what we are about to see is court case after court case of gays and lesbians sueing their respective states that don't allow gay marriage and don't recognize gay marriages from states that allow it.  One by one they will fall and will be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Starting immediately the military will begin work to allow same sex benefits to members that serve. I never thought I would ever see the day.  Not in my life time. Maybe not for another generation.  It's happened now and it really feels good.

Being told all your life that you are less than, that you don't matter, that your relationships aren't valid, all those years of watching parents treat the gay kid different then their straight siblings, constantly being reminded that you're second class and that nothing you do or say matters, it wasn't all for nothing.
Suddenly everything seems a little more brighter up ahead.  Just the fact that I don't have to worry about anything if something should happen to me or him.  It really takes a weight off my shoulders.

It sure seems awful for people who don't understand and probably will never understand.  Just know that it's all alright.  It's ok.  Change is good.  Progress is good.  You will benefit, believe it or not, from my happiness and my rights being given to me.  It's only a good thing.  You're brimstone and fire will eventually burn out and you won't even remember what the heck the problem was.

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