Monday, June 17, 2013

It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A

Today was my first "workout" since my surgery on May 22.  I put workout in quotation marks because I did 20 minutes of cardio on a recumbent bike at the YMCA.  Not just any recumbent bike mind you.  A recumbent bike with cable TV built into it.  Thank. God.

I've gained alot of weight in the past month.  Too much Costco vanilla ice cream.  Hey don't judge me! I couldn't swallow anything for the first week.  The other three weeks was just a "weaning off" period.

Doing time on the recumbent bike made me remember why I HATE cardio machines.  I mean you're not going anywhere.  The scenery never changes.  People never wipe down the machines when they're through so it's a guessing game on whether or not your machine is a petri dish of creepy, crawly bacteria. I wipe it down before AND after thank you very much.

Until I am back in the land of the living and out running on the streets and half-marathons, I am a slave to the dreaded recumbent bike or elliptical machine.  The only saving grace is the TV.  If there is anything decent on, time seems to just fly by.  There are times though that I think there must be a secret plot to brainwash me into watching FOX NEWS. I say this because sometimes it the one of the only channels that work.  It is the YMCA after all, Young Men's Christian Organization.  Do you know how many people don't know that's what YMCA stands for?  You would be surprised.

 Recently the YMCA changed there name to just simply The Y.  What am I working out at the Young? What does the Y stand for if it's not Young? Yo-Yo? I mean that would work for "yo-yo dieters.  Yuck? As in, "yuck I hate to workout!"  WAIT!  It must stand for YOGA!  Now that makes me feel a whole lot better about going to workout at a place where they are trying to hide their politics in order to sign more members.  Bravo Y!

I know I'm ranting.  Ranting is what I do when I've been cooped up for 4 weeks with a hot, nasty neck brace on that feels like a wool scarf in the middle of August.

I'm just happy I get to start getting back in the gym and losing this recovery weight.  My goal is to be below 185 my the end of July.  The end of July you ask?  Why its my 25th class reunion of course.  Vanity.  Such a great motivator.

Wait for it ladies.  Someday.

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