Monday, July 29, 2013

Clickless Class Reunion

Well the 25th Class of 88 Reunion was Saturday night and it was so much fun.  I got to see all my friends from high school and I even talked to a bunch of people I hadn't even talked to K-12 just because I never had classes with them or we were just in different clicks.

One thing I've noticed this past weekend is that 25 must be the magic year.  Most people had forgotten about any high school grudges, conflicts and any fights over old boyfriends or girlfriends.  I think we are all at the age that things like that just don't seem to matter anymore. It was all about catching up, seeing pictures of kids, reliving old memories and thinking about those that could not make it.

I have a crowd anxiety issue.  I developed it in the past couple of years.  I didn't have any of those issues this past weekend but I'm sure it's because I knew everyone in the place.  One really neat thing that happened is that I learned some people from back home are reading this blog and commented to me about issues some relatives have had with depression, anxiety amd ADHD .  It really does help to know that you aren't the only person having these issues.  It brings comfort being able to talk to someone openly who understands what they are going through.  It made me realize that I need to keep up on this blog a little better.

With every high school reunion there will always be that one person that you can't bring yourself to talk to because of what ever issues you had with them in high school. In my case there was someone I couldn't talk to because of issues that arose from a past reunion.  Reunions right after high school are the worst because people haven't forgotten past hurts and it's easy to still hold a grudge.  This particular person said something to me that is still hard to over come but I'm working on it.

My bully didn't show up this year and I guess that's ok.  While I would have been cordial and polite there are still parts of me that want to tell this person how much the bullying really screwed me up.  I guess since I'm older and have gotten help for all those years of bullying, there is really no point in drudging up past transgressions.  Most people change.  Some don't.  I can only hope this person has changed.

If you are the type of person who revels in catching up with old friends than I suggest going to your class reunions.  If you're the type that would like to see old freinds but still hold alot of grudges than I suggest going but just keeping you thoughts to yourself.  People are there to have a good time and catch up.  Like I said to someone who wasn't going because of something that someone said to them in the fall of 1986, "Well I'm 42.  I'm going to go and have fun.  I'll catch up with you later."

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