Friday, January 31, 2014

Yesterday while I was getting my hair cut, the girl cutting it was telling me how pissed she was because she bought a scale at Good Will.  She stepped on it in the store and it said she had lost 10 lbs.  When she got it home she found it was 10 lbs off...too light that is.

She knew that she shouldn't weigh herself.  We had had this discussion many times.  I told her if you exercise that you gain muscle, muscle weighs more than fat, your scale does no reflect that.  It pushes you into a tizzy because you think you have gained fat.

She told me she doesn't believe in diets and has made a lifestyle change and cut out sugar and only eat veggies and lean meat.  Still she was curious and wanted to know her weight.

I told her to only go by the way her clothes fit and how her mental and physical state are; if they are improving that is.  The only other way to know if you are truly losing fat is to get your body fat % checked and that's not easy.  It's not something you can do yourself.  You have to get it checked hydrostatically, meaning you get dunked in a water tank.

If you go to their website you can find a date when the truck will be your area if it is available in your part of the country.  I'm sure there are other companies but this is the one that I use.   The tank is only about 3 ft deep, if that, and you literally just blow out all your air, submerge yourself and the technician calculates your body fat composition.  Don't worry, you won't drown.  It takes a few seconds. 
 It has to do with weight, water displacement and a bunch of other things. It is scientifically the most accurate way to know your body fat %.

If you've ever wanted to get started on a plan to make real progress, or want to get back on track, getting your body fat tested in our hydrostatic tank is a great way to precisely benchmark your fitness. Getting dunked takes just 10 minutes, and afterward, you'll get a detailed report to keep, showing:
  • Your fat and fat-free body mass, as percentages and in actual weight
  • How much fat, if any, you need to lose to achieve your desired body composition
  • How many calories per day you burn without exercising—unique to you
  • How many calories you burn from different exercises—again, specifically for your body
  • Where you are on a scale of ideal body fat for your age and gender
  • Your history, if you've been tested before

    So when you are getting frustrated with your scale, first throw it against a moving vehicle, preferable off an overpass and then go get your body fat checked.  Even if you have to go to a gym and they caliper you its at least a gauge and it will stay consistent. 

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