Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Final Countdown

3:30 pm:I'm at a Starbucks in Portland waiting to hear about a possible callback for an acting gig. I'm supposed to hear something in the next few minutes. If I don't hear anything by 4:00 pm than it's a "no."

3:35 pm: It's a really really important gig for me. It means national exposure, great acting credit for the resume and a shot at living the dream.

3:40 pm: I'm handling this better than I thought I would. I have been rejected so often in this job that it doesn't really phase me anymore. Usually. This is different though. I've never auditioned for a major television show.

3:46 pm: What to do, what to do? Waiting sucks. The thing is that I never know what the hell they are looking for when it comes to this shit. The character description was very precise yet no one else at the audition looked anything like the character break-down. It's frustrating. In the end it's going to come down to what the actor looks like.

3:51 pm: Ever wanted anything so bad you could just see it? Taste it? Smell it? How do you keep up a positive attitude with so much sadness weighing down on me like a wet blanket?

Calling it. Time of death, 3:55 pm, January 30, 2013. The dream has died.

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