Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I told myself I would never do this

January 1, 2019

As of today, January 1, 2019, I am 48 years old, 5'10 and weigh 210 pounds. Ten of that gained since October 31st.

I've spent my adult life trying to live a healthy life. I became a personal trainer in my 20's. I know what needs to be done to stay healthy. I know all about nutrition, cardio, all the stuff I need.

A while ago, I hurt my back in Crossfit. I had a bulging disc in my L4-L5. I had a surgery to repair the bulge.  It held for 4 years. Like an idiot, I decided that I felt so good, I was going to join Crossfit again. I did it again. I damaged the same disc. I had another surgery. It lasted a year. Upon seeing the neurologist again, I was told a third surgery would require a spinal fusion. I passed mainly because my insurance wouldn't pay for it.

Oh, I forgot to mention that somewhere in all this mess, I had a cervical fusion. The surgeon told me I had the spine of an 80-year-old man. Great.

So, needless to say, those injuries set me back in my fitness goals. I'm already suffering from depression, bi-polar and anxiety so not being able to workout like I used to exacerbated those ailments.

I let myself go.

I know my body fat percentage must be around 20%. My goal is 12%. It's lofty but I'm taking baby-steps. I'd like to be 12% in a year. I'm not worried about weight since I know muscle weighs more than fat. That being said, 190 pounds would be nice.

My ultimate goal is to be in photoshoot shape by 50.

Jan 2, 2019
My left eye...blood vessels broke today. Coincidently, I started lifting weights today. :(

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