Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Mental Health Law

Kathleen Sebelius announces new mental health parity requirements for health insurers

I have always said that if you want to curb mass shooting in the world the first thing to do it address mental health.  Look at almost every single mass shooting and there is usually someone with a mental illness behind the trigger.

Many of these people are either on the wrong meds, off their current meds or have no meds at all due to having no insurance. Hopefully with the Affordable Healthcare Act this will change.

My own experience was that before I had health insurance I had no access to meds let alone a diagnosis to get the meds.  I have been depressed at least since middle school.  My depression and anxiety grew worse and worse as time went on.  I did have medical coverage while on active duty in the Air Force but the stigma of mental illness was too great for me to take that chance of being kicked out, as if being gay weren't enough.

Years and years of not being diagnosed or treated for my mental illness caused strains at work, with my family and in my personal relationships.  I wasn't the person I should have been or the person I wanted to be.  I honestly feel that if I were diagnosed at a younger age things may be different for me.

Not that I'm not happy now but I feel a little "behind." I'm 43 and I feel that I should be more successful and fulfilled in my professional career.  Because of the bad choices I made in my 20's and I would even go as far as to say back as a teenager, I would be in different circumstances.  I am unfulfilled and I only wish for a time machine to go back to my teenaged self and slip him an Adderall.

Now I am playing catch-up.  I'm trying to make up for lost time and try to do all the things I never did and start working on things I want to do before I get too old to do them.

One last thing.  I'm so tired of "Obama Haters" who hate him so much that they will do anything to stop the Affordable Healthcare Act.  The fact that we had senate hearings to explain why too many people logging onto a website made it crash is beyond infantile and quite reprehensible.   If you are going to go so far as to say new healthcare legislation isn't going to work because the website sucks then please do some research to see what other websites failed during massive use.


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