Friday, August 24, 2012

Keep calm and carry on.

It's been so long since I've posted that I think I forgot how.  It's been a very busy month.  I've been interviewing my ass off but not getting any jobs.  My mom and aunt came to visit and we had a great but exhausting visit.

My spin classes are going quite well.  So well, in fact, that I've been asked to permanently take over the slots I was subbing for.  Apparently the members actually enjoy working their core during, of all things, a core class.  My spin classes are not easy.  They are always challenging.  The person I was filling in for has done the same spin routine every tuesday and thursday for the past 4 years.  I could go into that class and do it without the instructor because I knew what was coming next.  Also, this is 2012.  What's with the CD's?  Plug your iPod in and change up the music once in a while.  I have 10 different play lists and I never play the same play list twice in a row.

This just goes to show you that doing the same thing over and over again day in and day out is not doing anything for your motivation to stay in shape.  There is no inspiring happening.  What kind of instructor teaches a class not caring about if they are inspiring their students to succeed?  It's beyond me.

The yoga is also going well.  I've been going 4-5 times a week. I think I'm addicted.  I feel so good when I'm done with a class.  If someone would have told me a year ago I would be running and cycling  today I would have told them they were cray-cray.  My low back pain is almost non-existent.  Yes it hurts from time to time, that's just life.  However, to do the things I do today when I thought I would never be able to is amazing.  It gives me a whole new lease on life.

Barry Ennis, founder of Elite Sport Yoga

The YMCA asked me to become Yoga certified.  I thought that was an awesome idea.  There is an all day class in January and then I must do 500 hours of teaching to become fully certified.  I've only been doing this for a few months and they are already asking me to sub classes.  I'm not that good yet.

I stumbled across a great article on more men taking yoga and reasons why men don't take yoga class.
I've never understood this.  I mean if you're single why wouldn't you?  Hot, flexible girls...hello?
I think if more professional athlete "came out of the yoga closet," there would be more men in yoga.  It's amazing for strength training and running.  Lots of NFL and MLB players do yoga.

Other good news is that I think I have talked members of my family into at least trying yoga.  I think once they saw what it did for me it made them realize that it might be good for them.  I'm hoping to hear good progress reports from them.

I'm still running and training for my half marathon next month.  I can't lie, it's been tough the last couple of weeks to stay motivated.  I know that I have a goal date in mind and I know that I'm running 8 miles on my long distance days and that's 8 miles more than I could run a few months ago.  That should be motivation enough.  Some days are more hard than others.  We have been having amazing weather so that's not an issue.  I think I'm a tiny bit stressed about finding a job.  Job stress or lack of job stress can put a little damper on things.  I know something will come up when I least expect it.  In the mean time I have to keep busy.  As the Brits say, "keep calm and carry on."

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